Reiki, Sound, Light & Tuning Fork Therapy 


This Session weaves together a combination of Reiki, Sound, Light & Vibrational Tuning Fork therapies to restore, harmonize and align the cellular vibration of your being. In this two hour session you will experience the state of your natural being that is at ease, peaceful and relaxed.

Reiki Energy is the life force energy that flows through all living things. ... A reiki session can assist in easing physical, mental, emotional and energetic tension in ones being. It can also assist with stress related illnesses and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels.

Sacred Sound & Light Frequencies promote healing at a cellular level. Everything in existence emits a particular vibration. Our bodies also carry different vibrations that can promote healing & well-being or dis-ease.

When a particular part of the body is healthy & vital, it vibrates at a harmonious frequency. When a part of the body is not vibrating in harmony, dis-ease occurs. Sound & light projected into a dis-eased part of the body restores harmonic patterns.

Sound & Light therapy rooted in the power of Intention (a pure, clear, heart-centered Sankalpa) increases ones ability to receive healing energy. Crystal Singing Bowls & Tuning Forks can assist in storing, transferring, amplifying and transforming lower vibrational energies that can cause physical, emotional or spiritual dis-ease into healing vibrations that restore ones natural birthright which is in a harmonious attunement with all of nature.

Entrainment through Sound & Light also synchronizes brainwaves to a stable frequency. Rhythm and frequency entrain our brainwaves to shift into different states of consciousness:

GAMMA (cognitive function; processing tasks)

BETA (normal waking consciousness, alert)

ALPHA (relaxed consciousness; flowing thoughts)

THETA (vivid imagination, intuition, meditative state)

DELTA (deep dreamless sleep; internal healing)

Sound tools used during a Sound Therapy Session are customized for the bio-individuals needs and include Native American Medicine Drum, Tuning Forks, Rattles, voice and 432hz Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.

Sound vibration helps to remove blockages and stagnancy that may have been stored in ones being from physical or emotional trauma. The frequency of 432hz helps release emotional and mental blockages creating new grooves of consciousness that are aligned with ones Highest healing and evolution.

Common therapeutic effects of Reiki, Sound, Light and Tuning Fork Therapy are:

Entering into a state of deep relaxation and tranquility

Purifying & cleansing the energetic field and chakras

Assists with balancing & resetting the Nervous System

Activation of Soul purpose

Heart opening

Awarenesses that lead to greater embodiment

Awakening to deeper states of consciousness 

During a Reiki Sound Light Therapy Session, you are laying down on a comfortable table under highly charged Vogel Crystals that are aligned with your 7 major Chakras & that shine a colored light according to each Chakra into the energy vortices.

A deep state of relaxation is induced as you relax into the undoing and allow yourself to be done. Reiki, Sound and Vibrational therapy in offered as you rest under the healing lights. As your nervous system shifts into a Parasympathetic state you become more aware of the subtle energies within you and around you. This alchemy of vibrational therapies helps to bring stillness, inner quietude and a deeper connection to your Higher Self.

* Please hydrate with pure alkaline Water before and after your session.

Reiki, Sound, Tuning Fork & Light Therapy is offered at $154 per session.


“May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. May there be peace to the Heavens, Peace to the sky, and peace to the atmosphere. May there be peace on Earth and peace in the waters. May there be peace to the forests and peace to the mountains. May there be peace to the plants, animals and to all creatures. May we all live in peace. Om peace, peace, peace”

-Saint Terese of Liseaux